Friday, February 03, 2006

TGIF. I'm ready to get drunk!

My first week is coming to a close, and I have never been so happy to see the weekend come. All I want to do is get drunk and play video games and watch tv. It's the never ending debate: would you rather do something you hate and get paid assloads for it, or do something you love and make peanuts? I think almost everyone chooses money over love. Golddiggers explained.

The air conditioning was broken in one of the test labs earlier. The HR lady walked in to talk to one of the engineers, and then came running out screaming, "Where are your shoes?!? Put them back on!" His feet smelled horrible, they wafted all the way over here. "Where are your shoes" is a really funny question though, because in order to ask it, something has to be not quite right, and the answer is usually something ridiculous. Or maybe I just overthink stuff because I'm bored in my cube.

I need to get one of those mirrors that attach to your computer monitor, so I can tell when the boss is behind me while I nap while pretending to read Page2. Right now it's the back of a CD pushpinned to my wall.

Potato is a fun word to say. Potato.


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