Thursday, November 09, 2006

Office Antics

I was walking through the break room after lunch today, when I noticed a small contingent of sales guys watching water drip from the ceiling into a trash can. We made small talk about how this building is a broken down piece of shit (it's really not, my office is quite nice) and then, on a whim, I dared my friend TJ to drink a glass of the water.

"How much?"

"Eight bucks," I replied, counting the dollar bills in my wallet.


To be honest, I didn't think he'd actually do it. This is because this water probably has lead and asbestos and bird dropping particles in it. But drink it he did, and I happily paid him the eight dollars he earned.

A minute later I got this email from him:
Oh god man… the aftertaste is KILLING me.And I’m stuck in a webinar for the next HOUR without being able to cleanse my pallate… you win sir… Well played.

I offered to bring him a nice tall glass of Brita filtered water for eight dollars. He didn't respond. Not a bad Thursday.


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