Setting Goals
I decided last night to run in this year's Turkey Trot, an annual 8 mile race held in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day. Never mind the fact that I've never run more than 5 miles at a time in my life, or that I'm still playing my way back in shape via Team Creep. I've got exactly six weeks to train for this. Seeing as how I'm someone who rarely follows through on things they set out to do, I myself am a little skeptical, but it'll be a real self-confidence boost if I can pull this off. Plus, it's an excuse to keep not drinking.
Excuse to keep not drinking....hmmm...quarter life crisis...coincidence??? hey where is panda gets bear??? yeah way 2 many question marks
Oh yeah, triple OT is not gonna update itself. I need my homeless man version of Bill Simmons fix already.
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