Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday Bloody Tuesday

(The paraphrasing of a known phrase, with a slight modification, is known as a snowclone. Like my title, for instance. Again, I think I've learned more from Wikipedia in 10 months than I have in four and a half years at college.)

When I woke up this morning, the white part of my right eye was all red, and I had eye crusties all over my face. Whether or not these two facts are related to me not having changed my contacts in a while, we'll never know. I just hope its not a mini-aneurysm caused by coughing all night.

And then I got a bloody nose driving back from lunch. Ever try to drive with blood running down your nose and into your mouth, with your head tilted back, and the car swerving all over the road because you're trying to find a napkin? It really makes you appreciate the smaller things in life.


I'm choosing a callsign, for when I become in international spy and I'll need a code name. "Dry Heave." I think it's easier to say than "Easy Tiger". Also, all the cool ones like Maverick, Goose, Iceman, Snake Doctor, Dirt Diver, and Cool Breeze were already taken.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitch start blogging again already...gawdd!!


3:49 PM  

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