Thursday, March 09, 2006

How is it only Thursday?

I spent the entire morning reading about least cost routing, existentialism, private branch exchange, Linux From Scratch, Vince Young, Scrubs, current events and necrotizing fasciitis. I think I've learned more in two hours of downtime at work than I did in two weeks at school. God bless Wikipedia.

Thursdays have started to feel a lot like Fridays to me. This is not good. It means the week is 25% longer than I expect it to be, and it also means that one of these days, I'll think it actually is the weekend and sleep in. I'm becoming Dwight Schrute. The highlight of my day is the hour and a half long meeting about a new assignment, so I don't have to scour the internet for topics to read about.

At least Kid Chino is back on The O.C. is on tonight.

edit: My meeting just got pushed back to Friday, which basically means I can save 50 cents by not having to buy a Coke to stay awake. At least I'm getting paid to sit here and look busy.

edit #2: The history of cubicles.

edit #3: They say that morale at a company is inversely proportional to the amount of Dilbert comics displayed on the cubicles. That being said, I have an idea of what prison lifers must feel like after a while: if I don't escape this cube, I'm going to die in here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where I am, its Friday afternoon already. But I work Saturdays as well, so i suffer from a false feeling of excitement on Fridays, only to have turn up the next day.

But at least the office is quiet on Saturdays. I can walk around and check out all the weird things people have on their desks that are too hard to subtly stare at during the week.

My "cube" has 2 sides and my monitor is visible from anywhere so my look-like-its-work strategy involves surfing the internet with pictures and flash turned off, and only visiting sites with a white or grey background so from a distance it all looks like work. Sites like yours pose a colour problem but at least solving the problem gives me some actual thinking to do.

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friday afternoon and my boss isn't here, all my co-workers took off for lunch and didn't come back. I went to the balcony and smoked a big joint, now I'm cruising the internet and found your site.

It's like that new car smell, only greener.

11:41 AM  

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