Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Quick Click

While at work, I've noticed that I subconsciously click to something that looks like a work related window when I hear footsteps outside my cube. (This is, of course, assuming that I'm not usually doing work at the time.) I thought I was the only one who did it (again, assuming that I'm the only one who doesn't really respect the eight hour workday) until this morning, when I went to report something to my manager. I watched as he quickly minimized his Wikipedia and Slashdot windows, then clicked on his programming environment before he turned around to talk to me. Work is great, isn't it?

Last night I was calculating how much I could realistically put into my 401K and my subsequent retirement/future/death, when I came across this life expectancy calculator. It turns out, I'll live until I'm 88. Life is great, isn't it?


Blogger Lusty L'Heureux said...

fyi, since federally speaking, you're limited to 11k/annum in the 401k, you should only put as much into the 401k as your company match up will allow (your company does a company matchup right? as in they'll deposit a dollar or 50 cents for every dollar you deposit?). this way, the rest can go into an IRA acct where you actually get to chooooose GOOD things to invest in (generally speaking, the choices your company limits a 401k to are pretty bad; IRAs allow $5000 annually with freedom of choice. plus, if you switch jobs later on, you can transfer the 401k into the IRA so that you don't have 5 different 401ks by the time you retire....)

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i checked out that health calculater and it says i'ma live up to 80! Not good enough. I need like 7.5 more years to seek and destroy any criminal evidence against me. What's funny is that it said:
Positive points:
-family history
Negative points:
-Gender apparently being a girl just doesn't cut it..

12:00 AM  

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