Monday, April 10, 2006

The Split Screen

In addition to the quick click, I've noticed that some engineers will resize and reposition their Firefox windows so that they can appear to be working. This technique is actually better than the quick click; the key to success is your fat head obscuring the lower portion of your monitor while you read your favorite blog (this one) instead of the telltale noise that everyone is familiar with. The only drawback to this technique is that you drop your guard a little, no longer worrying about those dragging footsteps until they're inside your cube.

Also, I've noticed that some people tend to read manuals a lot after lunch. Usually they position the manual right in front of their keyboards, and then only read the last sentence on the page, forcing them to press their chins against their chests. And often times with their eyes closed. Hiding in plain sight. Genius.

And of course, today being Monday, here is the obligatory 24 mention: Kiefer has signed a 3 year, 40 million dollar contract to play Jack Bauer. Which is good for him, but bad for the unpredictability of the show. So much for them killing off Jack anytime soon.


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