Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A City in China

Am I an asshole for not wanting to tip at certain pho places who do nothing more than bring me my food? They don't check up on me to see if I want anything (more limes), they don't refill my water, they don't do any of the things that you'd expect people in the food service industry to do. I've worked as a waiter, and I usually tip 15-20% for people who show a modicum of effort, but this is ridiculous. And then the Vietnamese lady had the balls to look like I robbed her.

Ok, it's not so funny anymore once they show the late Miss Deaf Texas's picture on the news, but you still have to wonder. Why would a deaf person walk along the train tracks? It's like letting blind people drive. However, the story would shift back to hilarious again if they disclosed the fact that she was still wearing her gown, sash, and tiara while she was text messaging as she got hit.

My sister finally got her bag back. It was at DFW the whole time. The security goons inspecting her bag took the label and nametags off, and forgot to put them back on apparently. These are the geniuses responsible for screening luggage? I'll take my chances with the bowling ball candle and the blowdryer with a scope on it.

My stomach has been hurting all day. It could be the spoiled chicken I ate last night. Or it could be karma telling me to tip even though sometimes the waitstaff doesn't deserve it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I commend you on your tipping, or rather lack of tipping. I agree completely. A tip is supposed to mean something! That this person went beyond the bare minimum and I want to show my appreciation of that. When they do nothing beyond what is expected of them in their job description, well they're already getting paid for that. I'm not rewarding them for something they're being paid to do already. I feel very strongly about this lol.

2:43 PM  

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