WebMD is No Good For Hypochondriacs
My stomach STILL hurts from Tuesday's chicken-tasting-like-orange-juice incident. It's progressed from feeling like my stomach is in a vise, to just a throbbing pain in my lower right abdominal area. Since Epps is not yet a doctor (and nowhere to be found) I've done some self diagnosis. In the order of most to least likely, the disease that ails me:
- Salmonella poisoning
- Appendicitis
- Mononucleosis
- Irritable bowel syndrome (not likely, I don't have the requisite explosive diarrhea)
- Intestinal parasite
- Liver disease
- Worn away stomach lining due to excessive capsaicin
- Hernia
- Pregnancy
you forgot rotavirus on that list....my little one just lived through that AND i diagnosed it with webmd before the office visit. the difference is the doc has a cool prescription pad with her name on it....and lots of free pens, paper, clipboards, etc.
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