Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Saved By The Nap

My boss got rear ended today on the way to lunch, while driving the rest of my group members. I managed to miss out on a car accident by skipping out to "lunch" early, and instead spent my time snoring under a tree. (It's a good thing my co-worker Brodie wasn't there today, she stole my spot on Monday.)

There are a bunch of guys here working on the remodeling. One of them is on stilts, caulking/painting the wall. I wonder when nobody's looking, if they goof around by having one guy run through the other guys legs. Or if they engage in stilt jousting. I hope the answer is yes.

Finally! My nameplate has arrived! I feel very professional! There's velcro on the back so it sticks to the outside of my cube. Very permanently. One more step on the road of this job being my coffin. Suddenly I'm not so excited.


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