Monday, June 12, 2006

It's either because I'm in love with your daughter or I have a newfound respect for life.

After visiting my friend Mike in Boston (who just got out of stroke rehab), I've developed a new perspective on life. It's the one that says "no more waiting around for things to fall in your lap." Instead, go and get it yourself. Ironic that I'm just now figuring this out, my mom has been telling me this my whole life (in regards to sandwiches, but it applies to all aspects of life). Also I confirmed that my company does provide short term disability insurance.

I've also discovered a "if you don't like it, why are you doing it?" mentality. "The money" should no longer be an acceptable answer. Seeing as how this job is actually very good to me, I've decided to throw myself into it wholeheartedly for a week, and see if my suicidal tendencies go away a little bit.

This could turn out rather well. Or it could turn out like most lifestyle changes I've implemented, and I relapse in a matter of days. We'll find out.


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