Thursday, September 28, 2006

All We Need Is Just A Little Patience

I've noticed that recently my patience level for all things I consider irritating, dull, or stupid has dropped to an all time low. Not coincidentally, these things all have one common denominator: Dallas. (I've also considered the possibility that I am actually the one that is irritating, dull, and stupid, but there's no way that could possibly be true.)

So I guess I have two choices. One, balls up, quit my job, skip town. Two, wait it out. Except I can't quit. For some reason, I find myself unnecessarily tethered to this place, this job. Not that it's a bad job by any means, it just bores the hell out of me. I feel like I owe it to someone to stay here at least two years. Maybe these are all excuses I form subconsciously while taking the path of least resistance.

And so I wait, and try to find better ways to occupy my time so the next fifteen months don't closely resemble a stint in Oz. Despite being there only a week, I'm starting to like my second job a lot more than my first job (mainly because tutoring kids in math doesn't really seem like "work" to me). The key to killing time is to keep yourself occupied. That means I need more hobbies other than watching TV and Team Creep.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Government Controlled Media

Saddam Hussein, after he was captured by the U.S.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged 9/11 mastermind.

I always think it's a form of subtle propaganda to publish this type of photograph in newspaper. Once mighty and powerful leaders now looking like the dirtbags they are. Is this supposed to evoke a feeling of patriotism?